Friday, December 29, 2006

Good Present For A Goth

Daniel Boucher - The Poet Of Grey Weather

Y saw you in your face from under
saw you there, naked, until the retina
Y saw you in the picture in your
saw you there, naked to the bottom of most of sub
Until landscape
The postcard, mountains, sky blue
Up the back, to the message
Not too touristy, more mobile, more squatters

This little man is going his way alone
head bowed but proud
Proud to go upwind bad
Proud to love even in hell
Proud luiFier of toe

Y also wants to know your background
C'que you saw, did you know c'que, c'que're able to say Y
not want to know your faisage If you
runner, if you ring, if you're able to smile
For him, it's more blackmail
The melody, the sound of breathing
The sound of the background, the great journey that He has
never finished end

Bonhomme Street, snowman Bonhomme who sees nothing
dauber parchment
Researcher light
day poet Gray

Y it would see nothing
Like everyone else, not
worry like everyone else, know toutte
Worse toutte know
Speaking without saying, too bad looking without seeing
Y loves the world, but is alone in the world
Y wets his desert

This little lonely man who goes his own way
head bowed but proud
Proud to go upwind bad
Proud to love even in hell
Proud of toe luiFier also
Bonhomme Street, snowman Bonhomme nothing
who sees clearly
dauber parcheminChercheur light
day poet Gray

Casually, it's the tune that I
best described as a person.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Berger Paint Singapore Colour Chart

Let the music

Propagandhi - Resisting tyrannical Government

-Why Do not we all strap bomb to o o chest and ride bikes To The next G-7 picnic? It Seems Easier With Every clock tick ...

Cowboys Fringants

fellow sun-Say, do not you find it rather stupid to give such a day has a boss

-Keeping your mind free, find a little balance for the rest we s'enb bin crazy everyone is looking forward to tomorrow

Moist - Resurection

-Everybody Got Something To Die For

The roommates

-Life is short, but along ti-tip

Tomorrow, Sunday, another day j'men

crazy-I want to look good mirdicus

Saving Private Ryan

-FOUPOUDAV - Foutu pourri d'avance

-FUBAR : Fucked up beyond all recognition


-Free your mind

-Qui a le temps, qui a le temps, mais si personne ne prenait son temps, comment ferait-on pour avoir du temps?

-We're all here to do what we're all here to do.

-Everything as a begining as an end

-A shitstrom of them


Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball. Don't stop me now, if you wanna have a good time, just give me a call. Don't stop me now cause I'm having a good time. Don't stop me now yes I'm having a good time. I do not want to stop at all.

Mononc Serge - The Führer

-Ein Volk, Ein Riech, Ein Führer

-A people, a rich, A Head

The boot smiling - Martin hunting gallery

-It moé is the youngest of the 10 cursed wheel in this canoe, flying not curse over your life. Épargnz your prayers my parents, my friends, I am a beautiful Torv, Martin hunting gallery

Martin escogrif my


swallow me My sight-upstream-downstream

Wind, twenty waves are moving forward

Thou Tripp starboard, you'll never in my board My ancestors

Embark bark canoe in my friends go back in power, you must paddle with all our strength, we stop when we have 100 years


Thank-France Telecom, have able to allow our rights, to add to the city noises and horns of the soft phone sonnerrie

-You who was born in a housing project, I'm hoping dédicasse this poem at the bottom of your eyes dull, you could see a small blade of grass

"It's the anthem of our country, our river of our mountain man life, the animal world; CREE WELL USE YOUR STRONG VOCAL

But ignores you-perfume, heady haunting, which covers you drunk, transforms you in distress and can make your evening like an eternity to cry

-His name represents the earth, he called Yakamonéyé

- M'zelle bubble had a dream a bit special for a bubble off the land is rather unusual

-From time to time j'me put in reverse - Should mani mani handle better at night man! - But it is better to return to earth

-oh yes I dream I'm just that my brother.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Ureterovesical Junction Stone Treatment


  • should never be ashamed to fail when esseyer has, for he who has never failed is he who has never essey
  • Failure will never have you if your determination to achieve success is strong enough
  • must practice patience, because Nature knows no precipitation
  • Good habits give the key to all success
  • Everything becomes easier with practice
  • Lightning can split a shield and even destroy life but only invincible power of amourpeut open heart.
  • I'd love the most powerful of all weapons and no one can defend himself against his power. The abatoir what
  • failure is not my destiny
  • Weak is he who lets his thought his actions chorus, strong force is one that shares his thought to lead alone
  • incompetent are always pleased with them myself, and I'm not incapable.
  • exist is to choose, choose, is to sacrifice.
  • Life is a fatal disease transmitted sexually.
  • Who can claim to know anyone? Say that our two people walking side by side and often that neither he nor I saw a discomfort.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Cs Launch Options -d3d

Bernard Werber - The Breath Of God


It has long wondered where clouds consisting of millions of locusts ... But this phenomenon is not natural. That is a consequence of the start of construction by the men of intensive agricultural activity. Following the implantation of monocultures on vast territory, natural predators of selected plants were found in the crowd on one area and there are therefore reproduces exponentially. Before the intrusion of men, the grasshopper was a solitary insect inofensif, but wherever they wanted to change the nature, she has told them his way
that man makes atomic bombs explode in the crust terestris and Gaia replied by earthquakes. That man transformele black blood of the earth, the oil, forming toxic smoke and earth nuagespasphyxiant replied with temperature rising. Subsequently, the glaciers melt, causing flooding.
Man has not yet realized that his original planet answered cundune its Provac, also was surprised when he surviennet what he calls, but are only generated by its absence dialogue with his Mother Earth.

  • When Michael gets drunk:
    -I have been Lamant last night, is not it?
    I found you-rather "real" . When we were mortal, do you ever get drunk, and I felt that you feared the influence of drink. Last night you showed me your dark side and I feel better knowing you now. I'm still your friend Michael, and a friend, there is a gift I can get you: you promise never to judge you regardless of the circonstences.
  • A city can be viewed as a living oprganisme taking food, treats, and absorbs ... discharges its excrement.
  • There are some very smart people who stay at home doing crossword particularly complicated. They are not heroes.
  • "You, you will never have anything," he s'uffit to declare that a kid that, perversely, he takes great pains to show he is the meillieur. Behind every hero, there is often a child, a child who has longtempsenragé or crying alone in a corner.
  • The reason is always the strongest meillieur.
  • In confronting the injustice, cowardice, stupidity and barbarism that we really shows.
  • Know thyself and thou shalt know the gods and their kingdoms
  • Association A-D Domination-N-Neutrality
  • Writers have always mundane lives and dreams of an extraordinary world. In general, these are introverted loners who compensates the monotony of their lives by their imagination.
  • What middle class? It is a class tempone who is not obsessed with her daily survival, not uptight about their privileges. She can think and act in depth. From it proviennet generally spontannément elements
  • Immortality is a long time, especially towards the end
  • more we know, the more measure our ignorance.
  • ZEUS: "That's why I like the motto of Quebec:" I Remember. "All humans should have posted this entry somewhere. I remember where I come from. I remember who I am. I remember the story of my forefathers that which led me to this existence. I remember all the struggles that we create this humanity. "
    Better than God
    Worse than the Devil,
    The poor have the rich
    And if you eat, it dies ...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merilyn Sakova Measuring

Bernard Werber - The Ultimate Secret

  • A man motivated has no limit.
  • What is your most important motivation in life? Here is the most important issue. Love
  • associated with death.
  • entire planet believes in permanence, and thousands of information are lost. We are not aware of their thinking that what they express. We are educated
  • like lambs in the herd. Then, we can not leave the flock and act to please others Mambre herd.
  • The power of the mind is endless.
  • The human brain is the greatest of all mystery plays. The problem is that we do only one outilpour tried to escape and is ... precisely our own brain.
  • What people can not comprendreleur scare, and what scares them and they want to destroy it.
  • Only fools never change their minds
  • The fishing is better than hypocrisy
  • Who can pretend to be happy today?

Monday, December 18, 2006

Ct4780 Drivers Windows7

Bernard Werber - We Gods

  • Everything is much broader, much more complex than what the imagination can apprehend
  • In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to its level of incompetence
  • It is also difficult for a man to understand God as one atom of cat pancreas include a film on television humans

Black Light To Kill Mold

Bernard Werber - The Empire of Angels

  • believe or not believe, it does not matter, what is interesting is to ask more questions
  • Three voiex of wisdom are HUMOUR, THE PARADOX OF THE CHANGE.
  • One day we die
  • Do understand that those who desire to understand
  • To understand a system, it must be removed (as link 9 points (3-3-3) with 4 lines)
  • can forgive a lot autruit, except for helping us
  • Come to the end of our mistakes or we will never know why he should not commit them
  • Better fortify its strengths, but to fill its weaknesses.
  • Our enemy is not malice, but ignorance
  • There is nothing essential.
  • Stop being in demand, and only then we can satisfy you.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Best Binocular Harness For Women

Bernard Werber - The Thanatonautes

  • Nothing is more agacenant bonheu that of others, especially when it is used to gauge our own collapse
  • The wise seek the truth, fools have already found
  • You and Me against the fools!
  • be nasty to deal with other forces to worry about their defense, imagine nasties. But being nice can not touch or be touched by anyone. Kindness is just a comfort to be quiet
  • Things that go without saying, they do better in the disants.
  • The world is divided into two categories: Those who read the book, and those who listen to those who read books. Most
  • author found that the more they are incomprehensible, they are more intelligent.
  • When we fear in life is that we do not know she descision take.
  • Council Raoul: 1 - A coin is your meillieur reliable guide. 2 - who fear nothing is almighty, and nothing will be denied. fear is that if you allow it to exist.
  • Why the prettiest girls are they always the most stupid? Why do not you drag the ugly?
  • meillieur Death is the remedy against all evils of small existence.
  • When you do not know, we do not ask too many questions, but when you start to have an initial explanation, we want to know everything at all costs, to understand everything.
  • Blessed are the simple-mindedness, royaumme of heaven belongs to them!
  • He who knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know.
  • poor fool that I was
  • A happily married man always emerges a kind of aura that makes it even more attractive to other women.
  • us wary of our desires, we might well be annoyed if they materialize.

What a good book!

Job Interview At Vans Shoe Store

Sorry for the slowdown of the decadence, but a return to school digress my computer, then we will all suffer together!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Watch Bait Bus For Free

Bernard Werber - The Revolution of the Ants

1 +1 = 3

At least I hope with all my heart

That's what I 'had to say here!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Wrecked Aircraft Forsale

Bernard Werber - Day of the Ants

-All is one (Abraham)

-All is Love (Jesus Christ)

All is economic (Karl Marx) "Everything is

sex (Signum Freud)

"Everything is relative (Albert Einstein)

And after ...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

How To Trade Pokemon On Kigb

Bernard Werber - Ants

In the few seconds that will be required to read these few lines: Human

-40 and 700 million ants are being born on earth. -30

human and 500 million ants are to die on earth.

- Human: Mammifaire whose size varies between 1 and 2 meters. Weight between 30 and 100 pounds. Femmelles gestation of 9 months. Amnivore mode of nutrition. Population estimated at over 5 billion people.

- Ants: Insect whose size varies between 0.01 and 3 cm. Weight between 1 and 150 milligrams. Ponte at will depending on the stock of sperm. Probable population: more than 1 billion billion people.

Still ...

Friday, November 17, 2006

Legjobb Epilátor 2010

Bernard Werber - The father of our father

-Fool -> Live like a imécile is to live without a stick, it is a hint that he should always have a stick if you do not want to fall. S'ppuyer live without on any dogma, any rigid principle, no guardian is brave, right?

-Stupid -> From Latin stupidus: stuppeur struck. The fool is the one that surprised everybody, so amazed of all. I hope to be stupid.

-Idiot -> means especially in Greek. I hope to be someone special.

-Con -> means the sex of the woman. Calling someone stupid, it's associated with what is most fertile and most charming. And

vlan in the teeth!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Como Insertar Jpg En Autocad 2010

Richard Desjardins - Widows

The action happens in the mountains that accompany the St. Lawrence or nothing moves apart from BigBang life naturally .

to mount it is not official qu'tu put on your best clothes, bag COMIS crowd St-Michel, sheer cliff face of a monkey.

But there it is rendered quite handsome, with big trees like that. This is where qu'la moon makes its best show, moon after moon lived there

Indian, Métis, you shall not know. What would have been there forever. At Get off at the end of the month to get his check and love

Girl trapper time immemorial, there's nothing in their history of writing. Y'ont sacred thing is certain the camp when the mill was built y'ont saw. Except, her life going on here.

Besides nobody has eyes on his field, perhaps one day a ski hill, even too far, it's not worth it.

For the moment the world is happy, the mill rolls on three counts. Are there trees eats shit for l'argent. Tabbo your face worse hides your bed.

We will wait, we'll see bin. Look its wood too ... too expensive. All the world knows that a forest is worthless as what not to land.

bottom yet in the forest s'enffuyait Blades of Steel. The law and the mill is made that any forest is not enough.

The signal is VNU truckers. Tired of going still further Y want to get paid on time ... to break the crust, it takes bread.

Yeah, wood is scarce it is a fact, we almost made a tundra. Stocks fall, what to do ... go up, it is plain that.

Priority the saw mill, a reality that falls on the senses. We will notify the Abenaki, explain the circonstences.

A diplomat, a graduate in clearcut, a engineer. Left me there I'm gonna talk, clean and polished as a player

Hello Sylvain j'm'appel Rondain, J'm'en just tell you we've pyre, but at you will be fine, we will not take, worse still leave.

said S'cusez, j'comprend not everything, you Mandez my permission? Come celebrate with you tell me you've come ... in this case is not Mr.

Y said ... home ... FAQUE show me your title .

said My forefathers that came before the invention of paper .

Y said The village did his part, there is no service after all .

said That just walk in on two, you pay nothing for us.

When y'ont above it down to the coast, a brewery. A ben ingrasse, it lacks a bit of politeness. A takes a board, giving no other side, that of the true wisdom of squawfish.

is going to pay the party of fun. We think has what we want it died. The giant screen, the man at the forum, after supper, the sport is strong!

We goin 'the word in the brotherhood, wherever s'quelle is everywhere s'qua goes: at the grocery store, pharmacy, we pretend it is not there.

A head happy to be persuaded that it could save the village. Plus, it's nice that you anything to report your good hammages.

Outside the moon wants to drink beer that goes up there has his head slowly. Y feels his prièere riverbed rises, eventually becoming someone.

Faque it masquerades as good boy climbs the mountain, the moon is soul. Here he is approaching the house, his head was smoking under the hood.

Has it already farted mouths with blood, yes, but it was always men. The s'qu'aperçoit, s'comme momant it. his heart overflows real drum solo.

Getting there was listening to talk od cover the board, yes, but then tell the boyfriend. Faque it sends a strong and Schott intinc Clancy to a minimum.

The first dog: come here come here ... hanged quickly made Drette portal. Bursts through the door j'entand cries ... do we leave for details.

The next evening black anger goes to school. A bunch of women in evening classes; pastel batique pti pot and glue.

coffee break in the middle, it pops the Abenaki. My Jesus, as testing has douc wants. She know she knows, and why.

said One of your man is unfaithful, I'm préviligié testimonies. I Want it that there is the reminder that forgotten m'tuer .

Women j'te eyes were on the ground, looking for a reason to dust. One says:
Like any response it was bad. Without state of mind are mounted with machine japanese. 30 days, 30 nights: forest business.

At the brewery, the male trans end of the 3rd is 3-2, was able to guard. She walks, remove the screen, eyes Din eyes.

said I lost everything, who's say so. MASSIVE ATTACK OF SILENCE. But I'm gonna keep my dignitéc'est who say it's the last chance.

Abenaki ti heart after nine hours. Y start to laugh, is a steer. A lot Apart, has the misfortune stinks. Y r'brance screen Kin y'ont scored !

The night is black, was following his plan. A spell his drill zuiii zuii, zuii zuii. Screw the doors are white pine, it was not long.

Here is the following. Extension, the tension mounts, the last game of a four to seven, in a clamor; ance and in the gas and lace match

HELL. As eyes to weep because it was seri. And in an echo of the valley, the Trocks has fire, s'crise of drunk.

A hidden jsuqu'à burial in a cemetery, and yes she is.

said J'lai unfortunately not found, it must be in heaven ... i want to go behind a rope PENDER ME!

Monday, November 6, 2006

Where Can I Buy Bandanas

Richard Desjardins - Gala

Plante-bin Drette
as pegs wrapped in their clothes, fresh as sushi
A glass of wine per ticket

Y 'have the know-roulette Y
wonder as testing that fat guy doing here with his chain-saw?
is you an actor? it is you the moderator?

Y approaches the microphone
tite three four taps in echo feedback in a cigarette
big rock nicorette amigdale din of the Governor General

Pis the kitty walks on stage
powdered donut like a copy
Coforma al subtly rogue played 40 years for tim horton

-To you it will roll up the rim?
tablespoons of spectra, this series very strong

"What are you doing ess big guy with his chain-saw? What did
of his beautiful way of torsade honey
who says his machine cranked

-Hall awash
blade rolls
Y splits into two clouds of blue boucanne

-It Cree engineering, c Is that you in the moss
choking her glaze cracks

Big-guy turns around and passes an act
is fraiye Chmin in decorder
Plaximoulé up to 500 trophies, gold plate, this chain -saw is no category
everyone will be no prize

-The gala comes to an end
Minou is r'place breasts

-Big guy approaches the microphone
three four Titus Tapper, echoing feedback

-In Noise siren goes off there
Chain-saw in poigt
Slowly y'éteint
his butt in caramel mousse
of the Minister of Cultural Affairs.

Friday, November 3, 2006

Invitation Wordings-funny

Richard Desjardins

The Yankees

-Tell me my friend who is the leader here, and it rises

And the sun rose.

-Go Gingo, God that hurts you.


-j'vois Whenever something beautiful I think of you

Kooloo Kooloo

Will there that long fruits, alcohol and Will there until I s'rais alive Will there of the Roaring Twenties. The error


Abisonie Welcome on this day the finest in the history of the earth

The forest ambaumeur

The sky is blue, the sea is calm: firm t ' mouth and a train.

The gold price

How often should you die to contemplate what God Satan


The criss-peace oh yeah, oh ye dreamed life

-The sky is blue, my vision is blurry, j'sus, j'pus, have fallen from record


Strange Ayx gaits showing a conspicuous wealth suspicious ... example, Pope in Africa.

Le chant du bum

Chu you a free man or a bum ben lost? I put an extra man to

The Flying tobogan

Fly Fly Fly tobogan ing of the sky, farther qu'la moon and the ring of Saturn.


-5551212 you and me is wonderful!

been done bedonc you a tank or if you buy a pti ... the chariot its pti pti is the rare ...

-Here the legendary story that was so down that smelled like asphalt. My

-mask has a smile that only death can satisfy.